For anyone interested, I am a court reporting student going into my third trimester in September. Court reporters are usually the little lady in the courtroom with that machine writing everything down. I started this course a few years ago and could't continue because of schedule conflicts.. Anyway, back in January I decided to go back..
Dreaming is great..
Living that dream and working towards that dream is an awesome feeling!!!!!
Set yourself in order, write it all out, take the steps nessasary and make it happen..
Today I passed my 50wpm speed test and I could have jumped out of my skin -- This was something I was just thinking about nine months ago -- I was at a job i couldn't stand doing something I had no passion for and something as small as passing this test today meant that I'm in the right place.
I pray every day to be prepared for the awesome things that are going to happen for me. It's hard work and I do get discouraged but if it is a real joy, a real passion push through that negativity!
I have 175 more words needed before I graduate but I'm up for the challenge!
Forget the nay sayers and the haters. Ignore those people who don't understand your dreams. If you are crazy enough to believe you can do this impossible thing -- Make it happen!